Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Rapid HIV Tests to be Offered by New York Hospitals

Hospitals in New York will start conducting HIV tests where results can be given after 20 minutes. Orasure Technologies have entered into an agreement with New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn to provide the tehcnology needed to conduct such tests which can provide quick result.

Orasure Technolgies will allow New York Hospitals to use its OraQuick Advance Rapid HIV 1/2 Antibody technology for free and is done by gently scrapping their gums with swabs and placing them in a holder afterwards. The technology works like pregnancy kits, where the appearance of line indicates negative results while two lines would mean that the individual is infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

The New York City hospitals are expecting to test around 150,000 individuals this year and 160,000 next year for purpose of identifying individuals who are infected with HIV and provide them with education and enroll them on an individualized treatment program. New York is also one of the US states that is experiencing an increased rate of HIV cases ever year where 2006 was shown to have a 6% increased compared to HIV cases in previous years.

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