Monday, October 23, 2006

ACCOUNTABILITY: Stop AIDS: Keep the Promise

The new theme and slogan is finally set for the upcoming World AIDS Day 2006 dubbed as, "ACCOUNTABILITY: Stop AIDS: Keep the Promise". This exciting theme was created as a response to the number of supporters clamoring for action from all governments around the globe to once and for all, take decisive action in making treatments available for everyone to use, pave the way for funding research for cures for HIV and people living with AIDS, and improving the quality of life of those who are affected through the creation of local and international laws that will ensure equal protection from the law such as work opportunity and right to education.


Government officials around the world are mandated by law to create appropriate resolutions and laws that will help patients regarding treatment and protect from ostracism and other forms of discrimination.

Its a sad fact that discrimination is a rampant problem that authorities must deal with for HIV/AIDS patients also forms part of contributing population to every local economy across the globe. Accountability, as the World AIDS Day theme, speaks highly of all government official's responsibility to fulfill the promise of support among these groups and finally end the misery of our friends whose dreams shattered and lives wasted.

Yes for free treatment; Yes for Cure!

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