Friday, October 27, 2006

GenePro HIV/AIDS Vaccine: Innovation by ImmunoGenetix

GenePro HIV/AIDS Vaccine: Innovation by ImmunoGenetix

We can now see that pharmaceuticals and various scientific laboratories left and right are developing effective ways to combat HIV/AIDS through the development of vaccines and other medicinal remedies for those who are already infected.

ImmunoGenetix, a biotechnology company in Lenexa, KS, is currently working on developing immunotherapies that specifically helps people who contracted HIV and those suffering from its long-term effect – AIDS.

The vaccine GenePro is currently completing its phase I clinical trial to establish vaccine effectiveness and safety and observe antibody activity among patients infected by HIV/AIDS.

Vaccines are specifically interesting for it limits the amount of antiviral drug cocktails that usually requires 15 to 20 tablets a day. Aside from the obnoxious side effects, the current antiviral medicines are expensive which in turn fails to reach all consumers of various economic statuses.

Recent attempts to create an effective vaccine are hampered by the virus’ ability to mutate. This apparent change makes it even difficult to create one type of vaccine that will protect an individual from the many strains and types of HIV.

For more information on ImmunoGenetix Therapeutics, please visit their site at

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