Wednesday, May 30, 2007

$30 Billion Funds for Budget to fight HIV/AIDS

While most or some of us are sometimes not in favor on how US handles the Iraq situation and all other international issues, I have nothing but praise to their apparent generosity when it comes to providing budget and products that sustainshealth, provides food and safety.

The Bush administration is seeking for a $30 billion fund, an additional $15 Billion to the current budget, to fight HIV/AIDS around the globe, especially in Africa.

While this seems to be a good move for the US government to curb the progress of HIV/AIDS across countries around the globe, it still is being criticized for its apparent lack of interest in issues regarding global climate change which I think will have a strong impact as a whole in US economy.

I just hope that along with the scientists' efforts to create a vaccine for HIV, I wish that they would also work on developing a cure for the disease: something that we all are hoping for along with other diseases such as hepatitis and cancer.

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