Friday, May 04, 2007


Wondering how the world should be like without AIDS? It can never be more enjoyable for millions of people who currently are suffering from HIV/AIDS all over the world. According to the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, there are currently over 39 million people living with HIV worldwide and more than 2.8 million lives has been lost due to this debilitating disease. The need for a vaccine is currently one of the top priority in both developing and developed countries around the planet.

The international community is excited to work on researching and developing ways on how to come up with a universal solution that will combat HIV/AIDS pandemic. The menance that is brought by this incurable disease is immeasurable and seems to be beyond control.

The development of vaccine is one of the focus of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative and is actively seeking participation both from the public and private sectors. Research and development should be one of the focal point of this initiative and should not be for personal gain of the priveleged few. Political support should also be seen as a guide to this long term pursuit of cure for people who are infected by this lethal agent. Commitment of leaders worldwide should be visibly seen in order to progress this novel research for cure. Philippines, let us show our support by becoming informed about the disease. Visit International AIDS Vaccine Initiative for more information. Be part of this battle! Let us fight for our friends and families! Let's fight for life!

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